These poems are in no particular order (mostly, but not entirely, chronological); some of them are better, some worse, take your pick. I rarely rewrite anything after the first effort.
- Untitled ("Traitorous Love . . .") [Fall/Winter 1998]
- Maidensong [c.1998?]
- Intentions [Fall/Winter 1998]
- Winter Winds [Fall/Winter 1998]
Written in honor of my first "real" (i.e., non-Californian) winter.
- On the Floor by the South School [Fall/Winter 1998]
I wrote this one day while I was waiting for a lecture to start . . .
- Inspiration [Fall/Winter 1998]
- Betrayal [Fall/Winter 1998]
- Theopoiesis [c.1997–8]
This is my only poem written in dactylics. It's also one of my earliest poems. (In retrospect, I find it unfathomable that I had never read Lucretius when I wrote this.)
- The Bacchant's Dream [November 1998]
I wrote this as part of a hypertext poem I discovered called Midwinter Fair. It can, of course, also be read as a normal poem if you simply ignore the hyperlinks.
- Last Days [September 2002]
When I wrote this, I hadn't written any poetry in about four years; it's rather different than the poetry from that earlier period.
- Untitled ("Like a reflection . . .") [December 1998]
- Arctic Shores [c.1999]
This and the next two poems were written one spring while I was flying home over the pole.
- Mud [c.1999]
- Shadowlands [c.1999]
- Guppy [April 2006]
Again, about a four-year break.
- At the Bottom of the Garden [February 1999]
- Seasick [January or February 2013]
- Stray Moment [April 2013]
- The Lady or the Tiger [August 2012]
Taking up a position at Mizzou, combined with a discussion of limericks, led to this (my first ever limerick).
- The Monster [April 2012]
- Birthday Sonnet [May 2012]
- To the Gods of the Market [May 2012]
There's this thing in academia called the job market.
- Time [April 2015]
- Haikus
Some day, to be a collection of haikus. For now, just two.
- Fireflies [July 2018]
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