My uncle Bob and my grandmother, a couple of nights prior to New Year's Eve.
My grandmother.
And now for New Year's...
My cousin Britt, my aunt Sandy, and my mother.
My dad with a glass of champagne. Asti, actually.
My father and my cousin's dog Milo, both wearing silly hats.
My cousin Diane drinking champagne and grasping her new camera. She took a very similar photo of me, so this was revenge.
Everyone, except my cousin's husband Charlie and my grandmother.
Back row, L to R: me (obviously), my dad, my cousin Diane, my aunt Sandy
Front row: my cousin Britt, her son Leo, my mom, my uncle Bob, and Mike (Diane's husband)
Leo blowing one of those popper things with whistles, 'cept these ones all had faulty whistles.
Me, Bob, and Mike, with Sandy in the background. I was watching football. Watch me be bored.
Me + silly New Year hat.
My mom and Bob in back, Diane and Mike in front.
Sandy, Mike, and Leo.